Sunday 6 March 2016


moods ? ? ?

as a human, everyday we have a different mood for every person depends on what we are facing 
but ,,,,,,
i just want to talk about my moods

sad :(
honestly for this year,,i doesn't have this moods yet 
so let it be ~ ~ ~

happy :)
i think i just facing what in front on me and make it positive
so not too happy but just a normal moods actually maybe
then keep it up
do not let yourself down okay!
whatever come to you, just go through it bravely ;)

bored :-I
everyday there would be uncompleted without this moods
getting bored with many things
but not the fix things
so how i handle this mood ?
usually, i just listen to the music, watch movies, and anything that i interested to do
but i try my best to avoid myself to do a bad things absolutely
because actually only Allah S.W.T knows how bad am i
but i am really sure that He will help me to be a better person from day to day
just keep a positive thinking to Him because i know and i believe He knows everything inside and outside myself, additionally He is my creature and i depends on Him in everything and to Him i will be back

annoying (-_-)'
this is a funny moods actually but sometimes its make me mad
but what can i do is get to sleep
then i would forget everything and get my normal mood back
it is simple actually to handle
but do not try to follow this mood because it would not settle even a thing
have a strong heart yeah (-_^)

that's all i think
i have to make preparation and get ready and also make assignment in a way to success
and i try to do my best this semester
of course to have a good result and also to have an attention from everyone
i really miss it
and i need it to feel appreciated by others
so wish me luck and don't forget to pray for me and our success in the world and also at jannah
aamiinn (^_^)

*redha with our fate*

Monday 4 January 2016


hye 2016 ! 
welcome to a new year fh
you know what 
i have a million hopes on u for this year

dear fh,,,
i want u to be stronger than last year
i know you are strong enough for everything 
but i also know that u can be more stronger than that
i know there's a lot of challenges that u have been through
but don't forget that challenges will come again 
so u need to prepare yourself 
even on your own
stick to your principle
keeps giving motivation on yourself
don't look for another things
be yourself dear
i know you hurt for a certain time
but i also know that you are the special person
you are strong
you are independent
you are brave
you can do everything on your own
i strongly believes
you can continue your life as usual
so i could see the smiles on your face every seconds
you know what
your smile is the most effective medicine for yourself as well as me
so keep smiling dear
i am become stronger when i see u smiling 
 this year you need to be strong !
that the main aim from me to u
carry on with your study
i know u can do better for the next semester
and i never look down on u
because i know there is no other things that you cannot do
you need to believe in yourself too
because it is really true
take care of yourself
take care of your heart
take care with your aim
i want u to be u <3
*fh, i know you are not perfect but no one could be a perfect person, so it is enough that  i am also feel grateful to have u because you always be yourself